Architecture + Exhibition Design

“As a product of the human mind, I’ve been brought to light because of your deepest fears. Fears that, despite they are screaming out loud inside your hearts, you try to ignore as you are ignoring the signals of the perils unfolding around you. I am a son of the climate breakdown and I am here to force you to open your eyes on the even greater perils that are waiting for you along the road. I am standing among you: a gallery of awareness as narrow as the possibilities that have remained to you to try to get out of
this situation. I am the bottleneck that you are so scared of.
I am the reminder of the inextricable grid of vices that you perpetrate so diligently inside this “hyper” society: look at me, read the message that I carry onto my skin, tore me apart, and bring a piece of me with you. I want you to remember every second of every hour of every day of your life that you are consuming your future as you are consuming the planet. You are not here to save the Earth, because the Earth will be perfectly fine without you. You are here to save yourself and to save the generations to come and not from this chaos but from the ugly beast that is so deeply nested into your heart. You are trying to save yourself from what has brought us here: your greed.”




R.I.B.A., London Architecture Festival
R.I.B.A. Gallery, London | UK
NUBE Architetture
The Good Plastic Company
Matteo Arietti | Andrea Bulloni | Ilaria Belotti | Simone Marzorati | Jacopo Breda | Beniamino Brambilla | Giulia Turatto

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